Access requirements

Recommended admission profile

The PhD programme in 'Texts of Classical Antiquity and their Persistence' is especially recommended for graduates in Classical Philology or in comparable or related degrees, who have completed a master's degree related to the fields of Greek and Latin language and literature and Indo-European linguistics in any of its aspects.

Students who have taken the following courses will be admitted without the need for further training:

  • Master's Degree in Classical Antiquity Texts and their Preservation (University of Valladolid / University of Salamanca).
  • Former Doctoral Programmes of the departments involved in the three Universities.

Other entry profiles: Graduates who have taken the Master's Degree in Classical Studies or graduates of other Philologies, as well as History, Humanities, Philosophy, Translation or any other Humanities degree may also be admitted, provided that they can accredit sufficient knowledge of classical languages and complete their training in accordance with the requirements of the Programme.

Access requirements

The requirements for access to doctoral studies are set out in article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, as amended by Royal Decree 576/2023, of 4 July.

You can also consult these requirements on the website of the Doctoral School of the UVa: